We just got a mail from Spotify telling us that “Painted Memories” has been added to TWO of their playlists.
Playlists that have been made by the Spotify curation team. It has been added to “New Punk Tracks”, which is followed by over 100.000 people, and even crazier: it has been added to “Pop Punk’s Not Dead”, which is followed by over 300.000 people.
The funny thing about this is that it’s following in the footsteps of “Get Back Home”. It feels surreal! Thank you so much again, Spotify.
This is a fantastic opportunity for us to spread our music, and to become bigger and better.
Even though this post is about “Painted Memories”, we’ve got to mention that “Get Back Home” is still on the “Pop Punk’s Not Dead” playlist.
It has been there since its release in November last year. Meaning we have two singles on that playlist. We feel that that’s a great excuse for our shock.
If you’d like to help us keep our spot on the playlist, play “Painted Memories” from there!